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Gibt man die Domain des Links dieser Spam, die der Zeitzone und der Versender-IP nach zu urteilen aus Großbritannien über Japan an meine Blogkotaktadresse geschickt wurde, bei "utrace.de" ein, so erhält man als Ergebnis, dass sie unter der IP-Adresse in Deutschland gehostet wird:

Bei der Linkverfolgung durch "urlquery.net" erhält man das Ergebnis, dass die Seite unter der IP-Adresse bei CDNetworks Inc. in Schweden gehostet wird. Dieser Standort wird auch von "utrace.de" bestätigt:

Wie dem auch sei, man sollte auf diesen Artikel, zu welchem der "Beweislink" führt, verzichten, wenn man sich keine Malware einfangen will ...

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Greetings to You

You have been gifted $1.5 MILLION USD donation fund. Contact us at this email for your claim: warren.b@usa.com

I hope this information meet you well as I know you will be curious to know why/how I selected you to receive a cash sum of $1.500,000,00 USD, our information below is 100% legitimate, please see the link below:


My wife and I decided to donate the sum of $1.500,000,00 USD to you as part of our charity project to improve the lot of 10 lucky individuals all over the world from our $12 Billion Usd I and My Wife Mapped out to help people before she died. We prayed and searched over the internet for assistance because i saw your profile on Microsoft email owners list and picked you. Susan my wife and i have decided to make sure this is put on the internet for the world to see. my wife has cancer and she died at colchester regional hospital, my wife just didn't die but she was a great person and I miss her so much and this is why I have decided to do one thing i promised her forever. as you could see from the webpage above, am not getting any younger and you can imagine having no much time to live. although am a Billionaire investor and we have helped some charity organizations from our Fund.

You see after taken care of the needs of our immediate family members, Before she died we decided to donate the remaining of our Billions to other individuals around the world in need, the local fire department, the red cross, Haiti, hospitals in truro where Susan underwent her cancer treatment, and some other organizations in Asia and Europe that fight cancer, alzheimer's and diabetes and the bulk of the funds deposited with our payout bank of this charity donation. we have kept just 40% of the entire sum to our self for the remaining days because i am sick and am writing you from hospital computer because i don't know when i will die.

To facilitate the payment process of the funds ($1.500,000.00 USD) which have been donated solely to you, you are to send us

your full names.................
your contact address................
your personal telephone number...............

so that i can forward your payment information to you immediately. I am hoping that you will be able to use the money wisely and judiciously over there in your country. please you have to do your part to also alleviate the level of poverty in your region, help as many you can help once you have this money in your personal account because that is the only objective of donating this money to you in the first place.

I like to re-assure you of the legitimacy of this services as we will not be involved in any fraudulent act and will never be. use the money wisely, we only want to feel good by helping people this time of the year, this is the only thing that makes my wife happy too even now that she is not here with me any more, we have too much to give away as I only have few months left on earth. I will advise as you as the prospective lucky Person to be calm not to loose this great opportunity which millions of people are trying to entangled but the chances just couldn't come for them because a lot of people are out there to discourage them as they don't know how it works, and have never seen such before.

Thank you for accepting our offer, we are indeed grateful You Can Google my name for more information: Mr Warren Buffett.

God bless you

Mr Warren Buffett
Billionaire investor
Email: warren.b@usa.com

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Stellenangebot von Andres Guillen

Wie schon bei einem Stellenangebot, welches mir ein Leser im April vergangenen Jahres übermittelte, hängt auch an diesem Teil ein zunächst nicht sichtbarer Rattenschwanz an Text unter dem eigentlichen "Angebot". Er ist in weiß geschrieben und fällt erst nach dem Kopieren des Mailinhaltes auf. Ist das eine Beigabe von "outlook.com"?

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Eine neue Vakanz ist eröffnet:
Sachbearbeiter der Finanzabteilung 4400,- Euro

Bei uns Karriere zu machen bedeutet, Teil eines erfolgreichen, dynamischen Teams von Spezialisten in einer partnerschaftlich orientierten Unternehmenskultur zu sein. Wir bieten Ihnen ein interessantes, abwechslungsreiches und verantwortungsvolles Aufgabengebiet.

Unsere Organisation ist einer der führendes Unternehmenin der Wirtschaftsprüfung, Steuerberatung, Transaktionsberatung, Consulting und Corporate Finance-Beratung. Mit unserer Erfahrung, unserem Wissen und unseren Leistungen befestigen wir weltweitdas Vertrauenin die Wirtschaft und die Finanzmärkte.
Dafür sind wir bestensgerüstet: mit hervorragend | bedeutend | auffallend}ausgebildeten Mitarbeitern, starken Teams, exzellenten Leistungen und einem sprichwörtlichen Kundenservice. Unser Ziel ist es, Dinge voranzubringen und entscheidend besser zu machen – für unsere Angestellte, unsere Geschäftskunden und die Firma, in der wir leben.

Unsere Organisation ist als unabhängiges Escrow-Unternehmen lizenziert, um die Transaktionen zu versichern. Wir machen unsere Arbeit für unsere Geschäftskunden per Internet. Wir bieten unseren Service in dem sehr hohen professionellen Niveau.

Unsere Organisation bietet Transaktionssicherheit-Service, deshalb wir suchen Escrow-Agenten für finanzielle Transaktionen in der ganzen Welt. Unsere Firma ist der Garant für die Durchführung der Transaktionen zwischen großen Firmen.

Ihre Aufgaben:

- Zusammenarbeit bei Vertragserstellung und deren Abfertigung
- Unabhängige Übernahme kleinerer Projekte
- Mitwirken bei der Erstellung von Berichten und Statistiken
- Unterstützung im Tagesgeschäft sowie bei anderen Projekten

Was wir bieten:
- Ein hohen monatliches Gehalt in Beträge von 4400 Euro
- Ein hochmotiviertes und engagiertes Team
- Eine umfassende Schulung und intensive Einarbeitung
- Branchenübliches Gehalt mit der Möglichkeit noch mehr zu verdienen
- Aufstiegs- und Entwicklungschancen in unserem Unternehmen

Was wir erwarten:

- Eifer für die Kundenbetreuung
- Annehmbare Deutsch-Kenntnisse in Wort und Schrift
- Flexibilität, Zuverlässigkeit und Teamfähigkeit
- Sicheres und freundliches Auftreten

Auch Rentner sind für diese Arbeitstätigkeit geeignet.

Haben Wir Ihr Interesse erweckt? Antworten Sie bitte auf diese E-Mail und wir kontaktieren mit Ihnen in allerkürzester Zeit.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Andres Guillen

50 Best Horror Movies on Netflix: Creep enters rankings. Let's Preview Every Single NBA Game (Yes, All 1312). Trainer-mad dad has 150 pairs of Adidas shoes - and his wife's threatening to . FMSB And FNSB Aptitude Test 2015 Results Declared; Check at @ federalbank.co.in. Quotes from voters in this week's AP Global Football 10.
Opposition journalists visit seized critical media outlet in show of solidarity. Mature Tigers plan to avoid 2011 fate in Raleigh.
New PS4 Exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn Footage Shows Off Creatures and Crafting. How That All-Day Breakfast Became Breakfast in the First Place. Daniel Craig: we must not live and let die in the face of global landmine threat. Slowly but surely, government IT enters the 21st century. Marco Rubio's worst gaffe: Picking Tupac over Biggie.
College Football Week 9 Predictions: Picking Top 25 Games Against the Spread. Meet the Designers Crafting High-End Undergarments for the Transgender Community. Other cities offer lessons for Fort Myers to help prevent violence like .
Meta-analysis of associations between human brain volume and intelligence .
Researches not carried out during epidemics are science failure. Actor Ethan Hawke calling for moratorium to oil exploration in Gulf of St . From the Kitchen: Reimagine Halloween as a spooky culinary wonderland. The Adidas FIT SMART Fitness Band Is Becoming More Of An Active Lifestyle Tool. Anousim Express Solidarity with Israel Across the World. adidas AG (ADR)(OTCMKTS:ADDYY) Announces 'Sport Infinity'. Titanic biscuit sells for $23000. Solidarity tax compulsory.
Warriors forward Harrison Barnes to be restricted free agent at season's end.
AP Interview: Tunisia PM says jobs needed to counter terror. GATE 2016 Important Topics List. Sir Graham Henry: Scratchy All Blacks will be primed for dream World Cup final. Republicans pour money into Nancy Dye's bid to unseat John Edwards in Senate race. L'intelligence n'est pas fonction de la taille du cerveau. My So-Called Goth Life. Lonely Planet's 2016 Best in Travel list of top 10 countries to visit.
Sir Graham Henry: Scratchy All Blacks will be primed for dream World Cup final. Water bills will creep up next year in LA because we've conserved so much. Whole Foods issues recall for chicken salad, pasta salad over Listeria bacteria. Activists allege widespread cruelty at Tyson's chicken factory.
David Warner proves fitness for first Test with solid Sheffield Shield knock . US to adopt new pilot filing system for imported products.
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Divers get blast out of collecting ammo. Meet Kerberos, the Fifth and Final Moon of Pluto. 10 Crispy Tips to Tackle Quantitative Aptitude Section of SSC CHSL Exam 2015.
Mercy for Animals calls out Tyson Foods' chicken slaughterhouse practices. AP Seattle bureau names new reporter. Park Terrace lights a show of Solidarity. Watching Expensive Housing Creep Up The Hill In Seattle's District 7. Knitting: Crafting And Stitching With Yarn Good For Mental Health, Studies Say . Troops rescue 338 people abducted by Boko Haram. La ptition de l'Orchestre National pour une fusion sans douleur. Bristol-Myers Squibb Co (BMY) Earnings Report: Q3 2015 Conference Call Transcript.
Crafting a team sport at Clyde library. Turkish police storm critical media group headquarters. Gujarat urges Centre to lift moratorium on critically polluted zones. Anousim Express Solidarity with Israel Around the World. Pope appeals for solidarity for Pakistan/Afghanistan quake victims. First-base: A Diamondbacks review/preview for 2015/16. Un geste de l'Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne pour les migrants. Aprs le voyage retour en TGV, l'aller.... 100 Favorite Houston Dish 2015, No. 45: KG's Double-Brined Cast Iron Chicken . Civil Defense workers take hands on approach in fight against unexploded . AP News in Brief at 9:58 pm EDT. Social democracy is dead. It's time to rediscover solidarity. Moratorium public hearing scheduled City briefs. UNI faculty shows 'solidarity' with Iowa faculty's no-confidence vote on new .
Lund University researchers reveal how nerve cells learn and forget. Anousim Express Solidarity with Israel Around the World. Acting helps girl recover from brain surgery. Chief Justice speaks to Moorhead Rotarians. Intern loses job after posting offensive tweet. Officials say a $1.8 million upgrade needed for Kentucky Registry of Election . AP News in Brief at 9:58 pm EDT. Rift on refugees spurs solidarity vs security risk to Europe's unity. $2.5m grant to probe how diseases become epidemics.
Health: Secrets Of Cerebellum Boosting. Research and Markets: Global Medicinal Feed Additive Market 2015-2019 - The . How to Crack IBPS PO Exam 2015: Tips and Tricks for PO Mains Exam.
Brzillet Aventure : c'est parti pour neuf jours . Rift over refugees spurs solidarity vs. security risk to European unity. FMSB And FNSB Aptitude Test 2015 Results Declared; Check at @ federalbank.co.in. Army Photographic Competition: The winning images.
My So-Called Goth Life.
Isagenix Intern Fired After Tweeting About Inner Ni**er While Picking Cotton . Nigerian Army: 338 Hostages Rescued From Boko Haram. Marco Rubio's worst gaffe: Picking Tupac over Biggie. Warriors GM Bob Myers: No contract extension for Harrison Barnes.
Gallery: The AP Top 32 NFL rankings after Week 7. Intern fired after racist 'n****r' cotton picking tweet. Orchestre Mtropolitain: un concert saveur historique. The man who wrote the bible on picking up women no longer believes in the . What's in Store: Some Zombie Food could creep into your bag. Aprs le voyage retour en TGV, l'aller.... Neuroscience: Decrypting a brain enigma. Perpetually broken Derrick Rose's new adidas slogan is 'Never Break'. Whole Foods issues recall for chicken salad, pasta salad over Listeria bacteria.
You'll never guess how much a cracker from the Titanic just sold for... world . To Israel With Love - A Message of Solidarity from New York. Playhouse defends handling of Kevin Bridges hecklers. Astronomers discover dead star feeding on a tiny planetoid for the first time. Critics push bills to ease reliance on standardized tests. The Big Chicken Industry Really Treats Its Workers Like Shit.
Committee listens to plea for 6-month moratorium on Duke mansion demolition. Ravens' headsets malfunctioned before Joe Flacco's game-sealing pick. The Politics behind the Ebola Crisis.
Costumes and critters steal show in Englewood.
Fort Myers attorney James Franklin, Jr. dies at 91.
Troops rescue 338 people abducted by Boko Haram. AP-GfK Poll: Support for tighter gun laws ticks up. A Lisa Frank Halloween Costume Idea For '90s Girls In Need Of A Last-Minute Outfit.
AP Seattle bureau names new reporter.
AP-GfK Poll: Trump is hard sell for Hispanics.
Horizon: Zero Dawn gameplay footage presented during Sony's Paris Games Week .
Fraud's many forms: Mail, email, phone calls. The brain forgets in order to conserve energy. Ravens vs. Cardinals 2015 picks and predictions: Experts unanimous in picking . AP-GfK Poll: Trump is hard sell for Hispanics. AP Interview: Tunisia PM says jobs needed to counter terror. Alarming Data Suggests Christmas Season Will Eventually Begin in July. Brothers found guilty in Fort Myers businessman's 2013 murder.
dm Fischer chef principal de l'Orchestre Symphonique de Dsseldorf. Isagenix Intern Fired After Tweeting About Inner Ni**er While Picking Cotton . Chicken study reveals evolution can happen much faster than thought. Your Official Mission Creep Timeline of the US War in Syria. The Largest Cosmic Structures In The Universe Don't Actually Exist. ESPN And AP Or The Times Screw Up On When Edinson Volquez Knew His Father Died . Dashcam Video Released in Deadly Shooting of SC Teen. Crafting with Artist Patricia Greene in Port Salerno. Horizon: Zero Dawn gameplay footage presented during Sony's Paris Games Week . Ukraine not to repay Russian debt if it is not restructured Yatsenyuk. State Senator Calls for Moratorium on Liquor Licenses in Inwood; LES Next?. Column: Have a safe and Happy Halloween with your pets.
Meet Kerberos, the Fifth and Final Moon of Pluto.
Approaching Zero: How West Africa is Crushing the Ebola Epidemic.
Nauru camp evacuated after wartime bomb discovered. Mature Tigers plan to avoid 2011 fate in Raleigh. En bref : un gros cerveau ne rend pas plus intelligent. Ravens vs. Cardinals 2015 picks and predictions: Experts unanimous in picking . Une baleine aperue au large de Nice ce dimanche. America's best chicken and waffles. Lights out, everyone: 13 old radio shows to creep you out for Halloween. Historic biscuit salvaged from 1912 sinking of Titanic sells for $23G. ESPN And AP Or The Times Screw Up On When Edinson Volquez Knew His Father Died .
Acting helps girl recover from brain surgery. AP Source: Volquez loses father before World Series start. Republicans pour money into Nancy Dye's bid to unseat John Edwards in Senate race. Fort Myers attorney James Franklin, Jr. dies at 91. Un geste de l'Orchestre philharmonique de Vienne pour les migrants.
Unexploded bomb is detonated on Southend seafront. Kaizer Chiefs do it again. PM Malcolm muddled in the middle defending coal while conceding solar . Moratorium public hearing scheduled City briefs.
Sammy Batten: UNC picking up steam in state recruiting. Solidarity tax compulsory. AP, IB credit no longer to be factored in enrollment priority at UCLA. 7 tips for keeping your pets safe on Halloween. Showing solidarity with flags. The Adidas FIT SMART Fitness Band Is Becoming More Of An Active Lifestyle Tool. Jeep Creep a success. Anousim Express Solidarity with Israel Around the World. Myers leaving Coshocton Visitors Bureau. Horrors The 5 stages of crafting your child's Halloween costume. $2.5m grant to probe how diseases become epidemics. Kanye West claims his adidas Originals Yeezy collection is 'like Lego' as he . New Horizons Beams Back View of Pluto's Miniature Moon Kerberos. The man who wrote the bible on picking up women no longer believes in the . Deaths From TB Globally Outnumber HIV/AIDS.
Soire Bavaroise avec l'orchestre Elixir. Rift on refugees spurs solidarity vs security risk to Europe's unity.
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AppStore im Doppelpack - 1

Wie schon die letzte Spam des "AppStores" vom Freitag führen auch die sog. Stornierungslinks der gestrigen beiden zur IP-Adresse bei "Hosting Internet Hizmetleri Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi" in der Türkei. Das Ziel ist wieder Phishing. Die zweite Spam, die eine knappe halbe Stunde später kam, wurde auf "unannehmlichkeiten" veröffentlicht.

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Product Name:Fifa 2016
Order Number: EO3T3SDE3Z
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Der App-Store aus der Türkei

Wieder einmal eine angebliche Bestellung beim App-Store, die ich stornieren soll - um mir dann was einzufangen ;)

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Your App ID was just used to download GPS ToolMaps 2015 from the App-Store on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that AppID.

Order ID Number: ER33AZS311S
Order total: 32.99 EUR
Cancellation Form[http://abiad.org.tr/res/] to cancel this order. 


Sister und HOTWIFE4U

Gestern wurden die acht BGO-Spams gepostet, die ich von Montag früh bis gestern abend erhalten hatte. Diese beiden hier von heute nacht und heute abend bilden die Fortsetzung.

Da "urlquery.net" im Moment "down" ist, habe ich die zwei Links der jüngsten Spam von heute abend nicht überprüfen können, denke jedoch, sie werden genau dorthin führen, wo sie immer hinführen ...

(Quelle: http://www.websitedown.info/urlquery.net)

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Subject: YoursSister sent you private message.She also sent you HotPIC!
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Heute ist "Lmetoday" am Start

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Die Rechnung von Sophia Seidel ...

... ist eine ausführbare Datei (.EXE), die ich nicht nur deshalb nicht öffnen würde, sondern auch schon deshalb, weil ich nicht weiß, was mir da von wem berechnet wird.

Gibt man bei "urlquery" die Domain "novalnet.de" ein, dann gelangt man über die IP (Interoute Communications Limited / Vereinigtes Königreich) zur IP (QSC AG / Deutschland):

Die IP, die als Sender-IP für "novalnet.de" im Header steht, ist lokalisiert bei der "Multicom Security AB" in Schweden.

Return-Path: [noreply@novalnet.de]
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Message-ID: [8C1E4B83.D9F2018A@novalnet.de]
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 02:44:48 +0200
Reply-To: "Sophia Seidel " [noreply@novalnet.de]
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To: "Sophia Seidel " [ahasemann@web.de]
Subject: Ihre aktuelle Rechnung
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------114876216661667836203630"
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Guten Tag,

Im Anhang dieser Email erhalten Sie Ihre aktuelle Rechnung.


Das phishende Stornierungsformular vom AppStore

Vor einer knappen Woche kam die letzte Rechnung des AppStores, die meinem Blog unterstellen, er hätte mit seiner Kontaktadresse Apps gekauft. Böser, böser Blog.

Der heutige "Cancellation"-Link führt zur IP-Adresse bei "Liquid Web, Inc." in den USA. Von dort geht es weiter zu "ircg.com" in den USA:

Es ist eigentlich auch egal, ob auf der Zieladresse nun eine Apple-Fake-Seite zu sehen ist, oder nicht, denn gefährlich ist die erste weiterleitende Domain auf der IP-Adresse

Überprüft man die IP Adresse selbst, landet man hier:

Return-Path: [support@appk.cz]
Received: from euve58419.serverprofi24.eu ([]) by mx-ha.gmx.net (mxgmx101) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0MA7z3-1ZvCti18TB-00BKoM for [contact@spammirr.or]; Fri, 09 Oct 2015 13:15:43 +0200
Received: from echo750 (echo750.startdedicated.de []) by euve58419.serverprofi24.eu (Postfix) with ESMTPA id BFB2DEF81EF3 for [contact@spammirr.or]; Fri, 9 Oct 2015 11:15:02 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: [43F59451A12B4F1CA880C35D128647C0@echo750]
Reply-To: "AppStore" [support@appk.cz]
From: "AppStore" [support@appk.cz]
To: [contact@spammirr.or]
Subject: Recipt No. PIU8J300HJN
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 2015 13:15:10 +0200
Organization: =?windows-1251?B?ICIgIg==?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_05C6_01D10294.867A1C60"
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X-UI-Filterresults: junk:10;V01:K0:IjEGT1+QkE8=:Bn3f6+yVJVzSOabszw747YdrzWwq U4r8hYOXX61oAkowdiXV0VWpJhk9OBNk2JmhEtOv4hI9HPjQheyCz9Nu0DoFz69AZI2ICT5lK 6KVGqTeqMvcU8wonPXdCUEt6W9xaHKIDL3w5CIb1l8If/Sv40ZyaGO85o17H5nB5pPFrhyraF p7IrhaTxq/GBI+a3PtAura5QXcBz5gl8t5kWYMk8gdQYHHmTukEygisJBNksn6fEkTZh1EyRx huKQrluH0e79DEdvUw8Dvo3Tu8ArdiFxRQcLgYud9R8mOpeW557eGO+coKm5x4Lx9Pp9CypYQ CmOsFwRSZNY75fXdXk4EhLFnJgmLzXf+DYN8/mykE4jnKEKt/nFZNiYAFIxq723glHRl6x1ml nvAJc8qVrUL3fWHAW3GxCtPDmdao9MW8AvosaBmU/HxdjcNJyF67Dt6z7tZSugWq0SEt8IHAQ T9zKDIhzd4OulzTqe6Lfg9xv8rmLBbow3pc2Nb+Qejhz/J2z7Jdr8fvQ3f4cldCcqd+mmd2O1 Cd8uxPyr3ZhHxbnYpn9Gxn35gQw5tkBiywykc0mubZqBnHj6ukQ0J0CV0usq6ZI+m4c1etUZN +Xsi6xQVaNYHxi9Jv2nIQuPAaydxIMPxGOHhVn0xn/wPfsJJ29QlCKXJTjQIVhF8oaBiBsAPH TDNcUi69KgSXnmryNvob2/8x8SNcmZhty95zAEHxoVN1dSLls8uOOVe/AIW82Kd8Pdewbz6cq zwoMV1bliedj3KRLKEAtQ0gw9O9qrfpE0d//WrlwvEdDBi6sVz15m/zJRm8XnOrSVBhkza81U 65eFTLs2Lutt4p2uoSxMQ1nTs/pEeIq4CgJQfChWxzavyBj611HTk2McAHSx+PMNhZxabyKJX edVTatWcc5FiJxjXu9g9QgZ2a49wq4qfsNlk4i+htTVOCdAWSezSndERwpfUiFDpSGRsZnGQU 8zLx+FME7oIJ3bZ6lg4hlLH19b4SoWyWEX+WHWYFWYC7G/5KOk75UW0VQ9V9a3ucb34EVewZT 3SJ2YtM4QRF8X1WYe9TItAqB8gOKaijK61M71N+Ves8jhIGEdVDbOCZWRQ+7AFnlgoEIvU1Er 5mapQ+RijDcQxpBUEYsTOGKS1Mcf96AoMBC26TtwWXjnXGGiNrh3NECyXiEm6UEBbYQKeEcxh wH67CsdrarRdly5Z4+SC4SxS6k2HCAgeR46KRvOsqF80Ge67Hr8ZotYlbmfTYSghj2g8Ecre4 S7VdqmIsVOwautlBSbMwN+zde3ZjVrCnxrxDAdIfz7rR7FW8W5iGw6tp15bfDELDhX4SZ9plk 0l3d0u6wKA15ucwA02Lg5EcjR5gS1mZZkIdJ48+DG8Svt3pvef0V5iOH7K4GC7UW3pp9kaasx xSDFbVVD1zerxFUWqJHnkmUMb1eXW89I1/puBzafXb7Yn8xYqAuVGKjIENtFuU6H9mIcbv+iE MxKbvjYQgpjpAmCVFiJQYuxaVgpxoy27SGl569qPov/GKf7VPgWKYwuWyNP7INmsxDPMtw==

Your AppID was just used to download GPS Toolbox from the AppStore on a computer or device that had not previously been associated with that AppID.

Order ID Number: PIU8J300HJN
Order total: 45.00

Cancellation Form[http://impacthost.com.au/] to cancel this order.


Nachrichten von Sister und Kolleginnen

Diese Zusammenfassung ist nicht verfügbar. Klicke hier, um den Post aufzurufen.


fmehard66144 sent you private message

Die zweite BGO-Spam für heute ist eine Sex-Spam mit einem Profil, welches auch nur mit einem Link versehen ist. Dieser führt zu "frtya.com" ...

Return-Path: [web.de.10588010.MeinName@mta29.sexyhappy.net]
Received: from mta29.sexyhappy.net ([]) by mx-ha.web.de (mxweb109) with ESMTP (Nemesis) id 0Lgb3R-1aNsE818dh-00ny7d for [MeinName@web.de]; Tue, 06 Oct 2015 09:49:50 +0200
DKIM-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=sexyhappy.net; s=s1024; l=4176; x=1444722621; h=From:To:Subject:Content-Type: Date:Message-ID:List-Unsubscribe; b=abC7IFCvMHUoBQ4G5NClHXUjJSs4 uOF9dntnpR3mKhBp9XCnqs3AX4pm5rLW5L8NxEJQ6a44nnU9cUJIQAs1Y6V4Thyz Psq/bFDo+WtusfD4GLspKZePsslNtAt8FyOunjocmnBXLMbSNMxFnVme9e3tnd+0 o/7dWH1MkSIffeY=
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Received: from sexyhappy.net [] by sexyhappy.net []; Tue, 6 Oct 2015 08:53:59 +0100
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From: fmehard66144[fmehard66144@sexyhappy.net]
To: MeinName@web.de
Subject: fmehard66144 sent you private message
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="-=02ea90ec6d97fcaf53b427e4880a274f";
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2015 08:53:59 +0100
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Der AppStore heute in Tschechien

Dieser Eindruck wird jedenfalls erweckt, wenn man sich die TLD der Absenderadresse anschaut.

Wie schon am Mittwoch führt auch der Stornierungslink der heutigen ersten Spam vom "AppStore" zunächst zur IP-Adresse bei Internap Network Services Corporation in den USA.

Von dort geht es dann jedoch weiter zu "tashe.co.in" (IP bei Limestone Networks, Inc. in den USA), wo man dann auf einem Formular mit einer anderen "Order Number", als die in der Spam angegebene, seine persönlichen Daten incl. Bankverbindung abgeben soll ;)

Return-Path: [support@appk.cz]
Received: from ns3002646.ovh.net ([]) by mx-ha.gmx.net (mxgmx105) with ESMTPS (Nemesis) id 0MEbp7-1ZsxjX3R3h-00FnKj for [contact@spammirr.or]; Sat, 03 Oct 2015 07:23:54 +0200
Received: from sigemi01.zucchetti.com ([] helo=SIGEMI01) by ns3002646.ovh.net with esmtpa (Exim 4.72) (envelope-from [support@appk.cz]) id 1ZiFND-0007xB-H8 for contact@spammirr.or; Sat, 03 Oct 2015 07:28:43 +0200
Message-ID: [14B66F663BB344E7B0371E9CE2328CBF@SIGEMI01]
Reply-To: "AppStore" [support@appk.cz]
From: "AppStore" [support@appk.cz]
To: [contact@spammirr.or]
Subject: Your receipt No.197040550128
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2015 07:23:45 +0200
Organization: =?windows-1251?B?ICIgIg==?=
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_05C6_01D0FDAC.7079D820"
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Thank you for buying the following product:

Product Name:Maps Plus 10 PRO
Order Number: EO3T3SDE3Z
Receipt Date: 03/10/2015
Order total: 49.99 €

If you did not authorize this purchase, please visit the iStore Payment Cancellation[http://mikarsystemsllc.com/bankgothicBTz/] Form within the next 12 hours in order to cancel the payment.

You can find the iStore Terms of Sale and Sales Policies by launching your iStore application and clicking on Terms of Sale or Sales Policies.